Friday, November 26, 2010

Missing people.

So I've been pondering how blessed I am lately... and boy, am I ever! My family is the BEST ever. I have two moms, two dads, 4 sisters, and one brother... I am  praying that I will eventually have 4 brothers too :) I am SO blessed.

Last night, I went out for coffee with one of the most incredible women I know, Quinea. And she made me so grateful that I have people like her in my life. I also realized that my family is not just my immediate family members... but I have two extra sisters... Rachael & Quinea. They are my family too. And I have a WHOLE BUNCH of extra cousins & aunts & uncles... all who I grew up with, and who watched me grow up, in Botswana. I appreciate every one of these people beyond what I could ever imagine.

Then I stand in the middle of it, and wonder how on earth I got to be so blessed. And how on earth is it possible that I ever feel lonely? But I am also sad, realizing that right now is a time where some of the very important people in my life are not here. Katie is on YWAM in Hawaii. Rachael is in Portugal on TREK. And Quinea is leaving for OM in South Africa for six months soon. I don't know how I'm going to be without those amazing women right here with me. But I also think it's super awesome how God is using these women all over the world to bless others. I guess I have to share them for a while :)

On another note... it snowed all day yesterday. I love snow. It is beautiful. I think I love it even more because I didn't grow up with it, but moved here when I was older and could appreciate the amazingness of it. Sigh... oh to be sitting at home in front of a fireplace right now & looking out at it. Instead... here I sit, at work, exhausted and wishing for the above :) :)

I guess that's enough of a post for now. I've been lagging behind in keeping up on here. I'm beginning a challenge to myself soon that was given to me by Quinea last night... to write out my life story, all the nitty gritties, and all the hard stuff, including emotions. Man, it's going to be hard. But I think God will bring healing through it... I hope... and pray.

Well friends... until next time. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

From Now On.

Sometimes life isn't fun. Now is one of those times.

I don't know how I would handle life without my husband. He helps me stand when I feel I can't. He pushes me to be a stronger and better person in Christ. He helps me find my way when I can't see. We are on a long journey right now.

God is teaching me so much.
I no longer care what it is that I do in life, as long as my husband is by my side.
I know I've needed to come to that place. And I know some of you may have been concerned that I hadn't yet. I'm here. And it's good. I am also super slow at getting where I need to be in life. I learn things the hard way.

Life has not been very good to me. It's been hard.
But right now... it is good. But I'm still not okay. I'm not quite sure how I can be.

I need to talk about Cam a bit more... I feel that in all of my writing... he has been lacking. I love him so much. I've never known anyone with patience like him. I've never known anyone who loves so selflessly. I've never known anyone who can make me laugh like he can. I've never known anyone so handsome. I have been so blessed. I never thought that I would marry someone like Cam... he is one huge way that God has shown me how His plans are far greater than mine.
Cam is my husband. My best friend. The love of my life.
I cannot wait to grow old with him.

I think I've written enough for now. All I can ask is that you would pray.
For me. For Cam too... as he's walking a journey of discovery personally as well.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

A New Day

So it's been a little while since I've written in my blog... I've had a little too much going on in life and haven't known what is safe to write, or what would be okay to write. Now I realized, maybe I don't have to be so worried about it. Maybe I can just talk about what God is teaching me... because oh my goodness, He is teaching me. 

I feel as though I'm in the process of letting everything go. I hold so tightly to everything, to my job, to my family, to problems... and I am being shown how weak I really am. And how little I really trust God. That's a terrifying realization... knowing that I am so unable to do anything on my own strength... but also learning to hold tightly onto the hope that Christ has given me. 

Last night I was able to spend time with two incredibly beautiful women who make me feel so blessed in my friendships with them. We talked for hours... and prayed for each other. And challenged each other. I am so so blessed with my friends. 

On another note though... one of my bestest friends, Rachael, just left for 7 1/2 months to go to Portugal on TREK. So exciting for her... but I am going to miss her like crazy. 

Cam and I are making some tough decisions right now that may affect where we are in the new year. And so, if you think of it... please pray for us. I am exhausted. I had to take a day off work this week because I couldn't keep going. I'm so tired. 

I get Elena for the afternoon today... so excited :)


Monday, November 1, 2010

Birth Days..

Today is that day... where 21 years ago, my mama pushed and pushed, and out I came. haha. Gross. But seriously... today is my birthday. I really like birthdays. I never used to. But Cam's family has converted me into a birthday lover... because every single birthday, they make it a big deal. There is a theme and everything. Mine is Disney Princesses... YES! How awesome is that?! 

Anyways... celebrating. I don't do too much of that. I'm also extra super duper tired because I couldn't hardly sleep due to thinking excessively upon an issue which is hitting our school with force. Sigh. Enough on that...

I don't have a whole lot to write right now... the above mentioned thing has my mind rather occupied with processing. But all in all... I had a great birthday. Except for the pouring rain, but secretly, I love the pouring rain, but on the down side it does make me not want to work and rather be curled up in a super cosy blanket at home. The ladies at work took me out for lunch... I got the people at Red Robin's to sing to me... SCORE! Only four of them working at lunchtime... almost not worth it. They were most likely more embarrassed than me!! Haha... suckers. 

And so I leave you all... I am waiting for our friends to come over so that I can eat the yummy birthday cake that I made for myself :) I REALLY want to eat this thing... but I should be polite... shouldn't I?!?!
