Friday, October 22, 2010

sigh... weekend time :)

It's finally almost the weekend... 9 hours and I'm free for two & a half days. I feel like that's what I count down for all the time... sheesh. :)

Last night I spent time with two incredible friends of mine. We talked, and laughed, and cried together. They challenge me with their questions and views on life, and they inspire me with their huge hearts. I am blessed to know these women. We also ended up talking a lot about death, and fatality. It was intense. And made me once again stop and realize how short life is, and how our joys should be ongoing, and found in everything. "the joy of the Lord is my strength." That is one of my favorite bible verses... and it has been given to me by many people as encouragement over the years. But boy, do I feel like I'm failiing in that right now. I can't help by feel like my life is short, and I have right now to make a difference, even if it's in one person's life. I think I can do that... with God's help.

I'm thinking of maybe starting helping out with a ministry at Central Heights Church. It's a ministry that stirs my heart. There's a single mom's group that meets, and they need child care. God has put women and children in my heart, especially single parents though. And I've seen how He has reaffirmed that over the years for me... like now, I help in the nursery at Northview, and I have two favorite kids, and the one, I knew his dad was a single dad. But then recently I found out that my favorite little girl's mom is a single mom too. And somehow those were the kids that I was drawn to the most. I think that's pretty cool. God works in crazy ways. I'm excited to see how He'll work in me next.

I have the most incredible husband... I just want to share that. He's the most funny and loving person that I know. :) I love coming home every evening and being able to just hug him for a while. Knowing that he's always there when I need him, and when he needs me, I can be there. I am SO blessed with this man. It's also amazing for me to see how I am a very emotionally unstable person, but he listens and loves me through it all. His patience is something that I truely admire. So for anybody that needs a good friend... my husband is the best friend that you would ever find :)

And here I shall sign off... and start my work for this Friday in October. It feels like fall today. It's beautiful. I've never really liked fall, but this year, I am just loving the colors and the crisp days where the sun shines, but there's still a bite in the air.

Blessings on you,


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