Friday, May 24, 2013


Happiness to me is...

Feeling my baby moving inside of me.
Watching the sunshine from my window at work.
Hubby putting his head on my tummy & talking to baby.
Thanking Jesus for his many gifts.
Finalizing details on our house purchase.
Knowing God is in control.
Planning baby's nursery (albeit, in my head).
My list may seem odd, and all over the place. But right now, happiness is many things every single day. Not to say that I don't have moments of sheer terror & feel absolutely overwhelmed by all of life right now, but overall, God has been so faithful to us & is walking us through so much.
It's amazing to be pregnant.
It's amazing to be buying a house.
It's amazing to love my husband this much, and know he loves me just as much.
It's amazing to have a God who works for us.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Life in a Nutshell

So apparently I'm REALLY bad at writing in this blog. I find that I want to - but then I'm a little overwhelmed by life, or don't have internet (like... this whole past year), or just don't make the time to share.
We are having a baby. I am astounded again & again by God's goodness and grace towards us. As hard as life can become, He gave us this amazing gift growing in my belly. Wow.
Our story to get pregnant has not been an easy one.
It was overwhelming, it was long, and it was very painful. We were trying for a couple years. But we knew we were young, so didn't seek any medical help for about a year & a half or so after starting to try.
Last September we saw the specialist in Vancouver. They started poking & prodding, which I was VERY used to by this point. Cam... not so much.
We were told that I have PCOS, which basically means I don't ovulate regularly... which means I could go for months without getting my period. Not fun when you're desperately trying to conceive said baby.
We were then told that Cam's swimmers had low motility.
Basically... we were not going to get pregnant without me being on something to stimulate ovulation, and then probably we'd have to try IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination - ie. the turkey baster) and if that didn't work, we'd have to see from there.
I came to terms. At least we had answers. At least we knew there were things we could try. We found all of this out right after Christmas. Our next appointment was scheduled for February 5th.
On January 26th, when I was about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant, I got my first positive pregnancy test. And spent the next 10 minutes until Cam came home on my knees crying & thanking Jesus.
This is our miracle baby. And we are SO thankful for him/her. This baby has parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents & great-grandparents who adore him/her already. We all prayed long and hard for this day to come. And it has.
That's my happy post for the day. I will try to get better at posting. Life right now is super overwhelming, and I've been experiencing all the lovely hormones that come along with pregnancy - what that means this week is I start crying at just about any given moment. Fun, I know. :)
Blessings on those of you who take a moment to rejoice with us & read this. We take no glory for this baby - we solely praise & thank the Almighty. He is the reason that we are thankful.