Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am awfully exhausted right now. We moved in January - I don`t remember when I last wrote in my blog. But it`s a beautiful home. :) We have so much extra room, and we live out in the country, so Cam gets to shoot his guns, and it`s such a relaxed life we lead now! I love it. 

I am working again - as an Admin Assistant for a company. I kinda do everything. It`s tiring. My favorite part of the job is the Accounting stuff that I get to do - I wish that I could do that full time. For someone else. 

We have some really big decisions to make regarding where our life is heading right now - it`s exciting though. 

I absolutely love my husband. I just felt the need to throw that little tid bit in there :) He lights up my life. I can`t imagine living a day without him by my side. He`s so wonderful. 

We visited friends this week in Vancouver Children`s Hospital and I was humbled by their little guy. Nyjah is a fighter if I`ve ever seen one. I was reminded of how fragile life is, and how rarely we think of our absolute mortality. He is four months old - and has already been through two or three surgeries. I was also reminded in a big way of how badly I want to adopt one day. I am so proud and excited for our friends - they`ve wanted to be parents for so long and decided adoption was a way to do this. Nyjah is their first baby - and even though, because of his health problems, both adoption agencies told them to cancel the deal, they knew he was their little guy. What a gift. I am proud to know such amazing people. I just hope that one day I can love my children half as much as they love Nyjah. 

I also just want to express how awesome it was to see Cam VOLUNTEER to hold Nyjah!! FIRST TIME EVER! And... this was a baby with tubes and wires attached to his body. What an amazing father Cam will be one day. I can`t wait to see that!! :) 

Anyways - I`ll do my best to keep you all (by all, I mean maybe two of you readers) updated on where our life is heading. I forsee some BIG changes happening in the next year! Yay! 

And last - but not least - I am so grateful for how God has been changing Cam & I. We have both struggled time and again in our faith, and it feels like, for the first time, we are actually both growing in Christ. It`s an incredible opportunity to grow with your spouse in Christ. I am beyond blessed. God has really been working in and through us. 

Leave a comment or message me - anything - I love connecting with people that I haven`t in a long time. That, and, I like to know who actually reads my thoughts :)

Blessings, E.